Wednesday, June 23, 2010 THROB

Inherent in every sideways occurrence on this mud ball
there lies a blessing.

The lesson might simply be a hard-won fact of life, such as:
"You can't get something for nothing." or
"If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." or
"There's a pattern here that I did not realize before."

But something can always come from any situation, 
no matter how bitter the taste
or how humiliating the loss of face.

To understand--as never before--how fully we must 
rely on no outside means
for sustenance...this is a blessing.

I had lost--excuse me...given away--my Mojo.
I had departed from my self confidence.
I put faith in intangibles and empty promises.
I was concerned about the welfare of others more than my own.
I became distracted by an ideal that is not realistic nor healthy.
I let someone else dictate what my course of action 'should' be.

The burden is, as always, squarely on my shoulders.
My ignorance and softness and naivete' gave way to powerlessness 
and despair.
Action and decisiveness was overcome by talking and sharing.
I imagined a concern for my welfare that never was hinted at; 
only a desire to regulate my thinking to match another's. 
(Brain-washing efforts are tricky; when the techniques and 
dogma varies, you forget that it's all the same under 
the hood.)

But I'm back in the saddle again; stronger than before.
Resolute. Fearless. Courageous. Indomitable.
Ready for mine; and Universe provide for any who stand 
in my way.

I needed to be squashed one final time for the message to be 
driven home.
Now there is no sadness that exists here; anger and numbness 
fills its place.
I've been blessed with a new perspective...a new lease on life.

Thanks for sharing.

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