Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Call to Arms

Pat Buchanan recently renewed his
'Total Dick Card' by saying some
new outrageous shit about how
he and his right wing conservative
(not-even) Christians need to get brutal
with gays and lesbians.

Well, Patricia, be careful
what you wish for.

See, you and your ilk
have been raging assholes for decades,
and we're only now fighting fire
with force.

You wanna up your game, sissy?
Well, up yours.

We can get shitty and load guns too, bitch.

But we don't need to threaten you;
you and yours look pretty piss-poor.
I imagine you'll be dropping dead and
turning into fossil fuels any day now.

But we can take you,
even if your hate ends up
empowering you another few
dozen years, Nosferatu.


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