Thursday, June 14, 2012

The New Pendulum Swing

"Pretty pleases" and well-written speeches aren't
going to change jack in this world where greed and
business and money and power rule.

There is no moral compass to appeal to within
the hearts of the governing 1-to-2%.

There is no equality within the courts; justice and
public opinion are for sale to the highest bidder.

We the impoverished or powerless have no standing;
the corporations and the elite own the judges, the
lawyers, the courts, the police, the media,
the military, the money.

This is war.
There is only survive or fail, live or die.

Destroying what they own is the only thing that
reaches them...the one thing that they understand.

Violent take-down of the Powers-That-Be is the
only recourse remaining.

Can we mobilize and commit before it's too late?


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