"Pussy Got Sway"
I'll tell you what.
I concede;
It's all 'Kill or be killed,'
and you're just the cat that be skilled.
Nothing wrong with kissing babies
with the same mouth that talks shit.
No problem with pretending godliness
so you can abuse via feigned divinity.
I'm jealous of your dickery.
I seethe that you can melt the Eskimos
igloos and then sell them new ice.
Your dispassionate and snarky
command of managerial manipulation
are true mastery.
You are The Head Asshole In Charge.
And you can have it, sweetheart.
I know, now, that that is what it takes
to make it, at least in the same way,
and I'll happily die alone knowing
that I don't have to suffer fools and
falsehoods gladly.
You can have your monies and empire
and sway over the masses, fake teeth clenched
in a charming mind-lock of all you possess.
None knowing you.
Your ill-gotten gains.
Your meaningless word.
Your fictional heart.
I don't need to compete;
you're your own worst enemy.
And I don't want what I have not got,
since you showed me the spoils
of your inner war.
Thank you for your sacrifice.
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